About The Project

This project is 100% a fan labor of love.  Simply put, I am just a regular person with a day job who happens to be a huge Dennis Wilson fan.  I love his openness, his honesty and I relate to Dennis as a person.  I can't adequately express how Dennis' work has touched my life.

I have shared this on other media, but the first time I ever heard this album I was going through a very challenging time in my life, and as crazy as it sounds Pacific Ocean Blue got me through it.  I listened to it on a daily basis and it was such a saving grace and an escape from the negativity in my life despite being a melancholy album.  I already felt connected with Dennis based on things I knew about him, but listening to the album was like talking to a good friend who was also going through a hard time, and we were just sitting and commiserating together about it.  When I was having an awful day, I could put this album on and instantly feel like everything was going to be okay.  This will sound odd to anyone who is not a music fan, but I honestly feel I owe Dennis a debt for helping me when things were so hard. Because of this I felt compelled to do this campaign for him and from day one just felt 100% confidence that it would somehow succeed. I jumped into it headfirst and wholeheartedly, just as Dennis would have done.  (We're both Sagittarius people.  It's what we do).

Good music changes your life, and Pacific Ocean Blue changed me and made my life better.  I was convinced that if it had changed me, it had changed others and I wanted to explore a way to get Dennis the recognition that I think he so desperately wanted in life.  I wanted anyone who was not aware of the album to hear it, because it's a masterpiece and it should be heard.  The ultimate recognition is being inducted into the Rock Hall, so here we are.

My personal relationship with Pacific Ocean Blue is what began this campaign, but interacting with other Dennis fans and hearing the outpouring of love they have for him is what keeps driving me forward.  People love Dennis unconditionally and fiercely, people love Pacific Ocean Blue, and it gives me hope that the Rock Hall will take notice and consider letting him in as a solo artist.  We will continue the project for as long as it takes!